How do I sync with Fitbit?

To enable the sync with Fitbit, tap on the Me tab and then Sync with Fitbit. You will then be directed to log in to your Fitbit account via Safari - your login details are not available to Progress.

Progress can pull your weight and body fat percentage from Fitbit, and send this data to Fitbit, however Fitbit won't sync to Progress automatically, ie: create an entry in Progress for you.

To send the data to Progress from your Fitbit using scales, the steps would be as follows:

  • Take reading on your scale which is sent to Fitbit
  • Open Progress
  • Add measurements
  • Data is loaded from Fitbit in the background
  • When you add measurements it should skip weight and body fat percentage
  • When you complete your measurements, weight and body fat percentage should be written to Fitbit

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